Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Chapter 24 - Into the Feywild (King of the Trollhaunts - Part 5)

Our heroes find themselves in a room that mirrors the previous throne room, although they are now in a valley instead of a cave, while the only exit seems to be a magical portal guarded by animated statues of Eladrin Warlords.

The party proceeds into the wil landscape, reaching ancient Fomorian ruins. In one of those ruins, they meet a Fomorian abomination that slows their advance to the Formorian fortress of Mross'kragg, where Vard and the Stone Cauldron, the cradle of his power, is said to be.

After fighting huge fey crocodiles, and the Mother of all Displacer beasts, our heroes face the last fomorian guardians, terrible and fierce Cyclops, finaly reaching the room of the Cauldron.

There, Vard, King of all Trolls, awaits them, empowered by the Cauldron, and the Fiery Eye of Moran. As the Kind fights our heroes, ghostly Trolls emerge from the Cauldron to assist him.

The heroes have the upper hand, and kill Vard, who just returns back to life after a few moments! It seems he ahs lost his magical eye, and while part of the group fights hm yet again, Neri finds the Eye hidden in an alcove, and throws it into the Cauldron.

With a magical explosion, the Cauldron is destroyed, and Vard is defeated for good.

The heroes recover Sunwrath, the Sword of the Baron of Perenon, and get out from the Great Warren. Awaiting them is Tharod, the tiefling Prince, with his bodyguards. He congratulates them for once agan having disrupted his plans, but assures them that their efforts will be in vain once he wields Nightbringer, the Shadow Sword. Then he departs.

the heroes, wondering if the Prince is just trying to tease or manipulate them into recovering the sword for him, make their way bak to Moonstair.

There, they're hailed as heroes, and receive news from the Mayor that the Baron himself is coming to retrieve his ancestral sword. Disturbingly enough, rumors have it that the Baron is accompained by Ghalan, the angelic half-brother of Prince Tharod.

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