Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Chapter 22 - Raid on Moostair (King of the Trollhaunts - Part 3)

Back in the fields outside Moonstair, our heroes face a Troll Worgmaster and his Worg pets, as in the distance fires can be spotted in the town!

They hurry to Moonstair, now under attack from Trolls of different kinds, wyverns, troglodytes, and even huge plant creatures corrupted by the fey magic of Skalmad's followers.

The heroes struggle, one fight after another, without rest, but succeed in repelling the attack. Moonstair has suffered greatly, but its townfolk is safe, for the moment.

Finally able to rest, the heroes have a meeting with Rualiss the sage, and they exchange their knowledge with him. From their recounts, he understands that the magical eye of Skalmad is Mornat's Eye, and evil fomorian artifact. Togheter, they search his library, and learn a few important facts.

The only way to destroy Morant's eye is to throw it into the Stone Cauldron, another fomorian artifact said to be located into the Feywild, in correspondence with the real-world location of the Great Warren. The eye has certainly resurrected Skalmad, now stronger than before, but it seems that the Eye will only work twice. If Skalmad was to die for a third time, then Ancient Troll King Vard himself would make his appearance!

The heroes understand that what they need to do is to once again enter the Great Warren, face Skalmad, and find the entrance to the Feywild, to destry the eye once and for all. After resting for the night, they travel back to the Trollhaunt and the Great Warren.

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