Monday, June 8, 2009

Chapter 21 - The Great Warren (King of the Trollhaunts - Part 2)

Deep into the Great Warren, our Heroes face several Troll guardians, allied with a Troglodyte tribe. After dispatching the leader of the Troglodytes, the party has a difficult time facing a Troll shaman and his Flaming Skulls minions.

Still licking their wounds, they find themselves into the cave of Gloomfang, an Adult Black Dragon, before finally meeting Skalmad the Troll King.

As Neri burns him to cinder, Skalmad reveals that his army is already marching on Moonstair, and that he will be back stronger than ever.

The corpse of the King disintegrates, living behind his magic Eye, who shines malevolently one last time before disappearing.

The heroes hurry out of the Warren, hoping to reach Moonstair in time

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