Friday, August 21, 2009


Gender - Male
Race - Revenant (Drow)
Class - Hybrid [Ranger|Rogue] (MC Avenger)
Paragon Path - Daggermaster
Epic Destiny - Raven Knight
Alignment - Unaligned

Background - Dakeyras the way she called his name didnt bode well. Wondering what the mistress Quallnoz wanted from him, he rose from his bed.

It was
in the middle of the night. Barely had he slept 2 hours since the last call. As a male Drow of house Quallnoz, he had learned the hard way that obeying was the only option. While he got dressed he couldnt help feeling frustrated even hatred. For over 40 years he had again and again proven his worth in the Underdark as a good scout and hunter.

Why he suddenly was assigned as a house pet, to do their small errands, only the spider queen knew. He felt a captive, restrained almost like being brainwashed into their thinking. He realized it was just like when he was a kid. In the caves around the city he had lost his devotion towards the Spider Queen, he had felt free again and only followed the laws of survival. Maybe that was why he was punished to serve their mindless biddings.

Finally dress he started the climb up the stairs towards the Mistress chamber. Half way he passed the door of her daughter. The door swung silently open, just as he was about to pass. He knew he wasnt suppose to look directly but then again rarely had he seen such a mesmerizingly beautiful Drow. Their eyes meet.Knock when you come back with those whispered words the door slid closed again like it never happened. Dakeyras almost lost his balance.

The task was simple. Deliver a letter. Something was going on but he didnt care. During the whole trip his mind was racing, trying to find out what those words had meant. Rather how had she said them. He would know soon enough and less than 30 min he was standing in front of the door once again. It was uncanny, just as his hand moved to knock the door opened. How did she know. He had been very silent this time. She beaconed him to enter. The room was huge, furnished like a salon where one would imagine noble Drows would sit drinking and laughing and have fun.

There were other doors leading to other rooms. Dakeyras felt uneasy, he could only stand still while Zila walked around him, studying him with her eyes and trailing her finger on his body at the same time. She stopped behind him.I give you a choice she whispered.What every you decide it will not change the outcome of my plans only the swiftness”. “Your choice however will decide your future if it will exist or. She let the words trail off, but left no doubt.

Take this Vial, Next time she calls go to her room. Slip the content of the Vial into the water she always has standing just inside her room to the right.” Dakeyras knew the water. Mistress Quallnoz always drank from this water. Reason for it standing at the entrance and not at her desk was mistrust. She didnt want any servant coming to her desk. Dakeyras was no exception to this rule.

Do this for me and I will reward you with those words her fingers touched he neck. It was such a soft touch, he had almost forgotten how it felt. He remembers his cute Illianise and the endless nights. Zila must have taken his smile for an approval.

Good she said I am happy you agree, now leave

With that he was back in the staircase. Instead of going back to his chamber he went up to Mistress Quallnoz.

Knocked at the door for the first time without being called.

Enter The voice of Quallnoz was irritated. Dakeyras entered.

You better have a good reason she hissed. Without hesitation he told her of her daughters plan.

He was no traitor and he was sure that Mistress Quallnoz being informed would change it all to his advantage. As he finished she laughed.Stupid Male, do you really think I don’t know my own daughter ambitions. GUARDS!” Six guards entered and circled Dakeyras. Fifteen seconds later Dakeyras last breath left him. He was hanging from to top window of house Quallnos.

* * *

First Death - His life force quenched by the necromantic spells of Lord Dust, Lich servitor of Orcus, in Hordethrone. Resurrected.

Second Death - Mauled by a Goristro Demon inside Nightwyrm Fortress. Resurrected.

Third Death - Crunched by the jaws of a Dracolich, defending the town of Moonstairs from the armies of Lord Raven the Death Knight. Resurrected

Endgame - After betraying the Raven Queen, he attained godhood, becoming Shadowthrone, the new God of Death.


Thomas said...

So now we'll have 2 drow in our group who aren't really drow. o.O

one changeling and one undead.

Delazar said...

ain't it wonderful? >.>