Friday, August 21, 2009

A Twist of Death - A Short Story by Druss

*** Less than 1 hour after almost total defeat. ***

Druss’s head was spinning.. He looked up trying to gain focus.

Instead, all he could see was a traitor.

“I am sure this is how you planned it all.. you Treacherous Drow” He thought to himself. Then again all Drows were not to be trusted.

How could his fellow travellers have trusted this Drow so fast.

“It will only be a matter of time before I find myself bleeding to death and Sunwrath joined together with Nightbringer” Druss thought.

He shook his head while thinking “focus Druss focus”

It was clear that he himself, he could not hope to retrieve Nightbringer, the Sword of the Shadow alone.

Yes alone, he was alone with a Drow. His hatred was getting the better of him.

His thought whirled around…“Priorities, druss Priorities”

He knew that under no circumstance could he take any risk and let Sunwrath fall into enemy hands.

The plan was clear. Leave the Drow while he could.

Return Sunwrath to one person. The one person he always had full confidence in. He would know what to do with it.

“The Emperor will be happy “ Druss thought.

Druss took the first Watch… While Ruby slept he left.

His last thoughts. “I should have killed you while I had the chance, but I am not evil like you.”




*** Somewhere else….Where no mortal has ever set their foot. ***

The Raven Queen was having an audience with an unusual guest.

They always came to her when they were in need her special power.

She thought to herself. “Gods are all the same, giving the right circumstance and suddenly it doesn’t matter if they were good or evil.”

The Guest was explaining his dilemma, the events that led up to him being here.

She listen patiently to the request but couldnt stop thinking “How stupid to let mortals decide your faith”

The guest finally fell silent. It was her turn now.

She smiled. Now came the moment, she loved the most. To see their expression when she told the price they would need to pay.

Her smile grew wider. Her guest was very unusual. Never had she had the pleasure to put she eyes on such a divine person.

Desperation… it could only be desperation that drove to such actions.

Her price would be very high. And for this special guest she would even ask a little extra a pre payment. Her smile changed to a smile of desire.

She told her price. To her disappointment there were no change of expression only a nod of agreement.

The thought nagged her that maybe her price had been too low, never had anyone not protested.

Too late, the price had been said and agreed to.

The agreement was simple. Heroes who this divine guest had put too much faith into, needed a helping hand.

Being in the shadowfell, her divine guest did not have the power to come to rescue.

She would create a Revenant that would raise within the shadowfell to help the heroes to defeat or remove Nightbringer from Zirithian.

When Nightbringer would be safe further instructions could be given. Agreement would be a maximum of 3 additional commands.

With the deal sealed she suddenly realized. The only reason why her guest agreed to the pre-payment was because he knew she wouldn’t have time to take advantage of her mortal pleasure.

She would need to start right away otherwise it might all be too late.

Her Guest had informed her in his nice tone. His time in this plane was limited to only 1 hour so before she would be done he would be gone.

Irritated. She dismissed her Guest and started the ritual.

Time was very short, she hoped that her creation wouldn’t suffer too many “side effects”.

Normally she would take weeks for such a task. But the price was high enough even with the loss of her pre-payment.

**** Later within the Shadowfell. ***

A corpse which had not moved since it arrived suddenly started glowed a little.

Fingers moved… The eyes opened… an unmistakable red glow shone from the iris.

Then the memories started flooding in.

He was having fun with pretty girl… who was she, he smiled, she was cute but who was he.. the memory faded again.

Suddenly his body jerked violent.. His mouth opened in a scream without sound.

They had hung him those bastards…. The memory faded again.

He could hear a voice… this wasn’t a memory nor his own inner voice.

The female voice whispered.

Nightbringer.. help… Heroes…. This was a command he could not deny.

He rose from the place he had been lying for …. He didn’t know, the memories stopped. He was left with an empty feeling.

But he now knew what he needed to do… at least for now.

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