Sunday, May 10, 2009

Chapter 18 - The Black Masks

Neri, thanks to her Ritual knowledge, teleports the party to Ilarosa, the Capital of the Republic of Norvosa. Fermin visits his father, finally exacting revenge for the abuses of the past. As he cuts his father throat, an old friend, Tavor, approaches him.

He tells Fermin that the Black Masks, the thieves' guild he belongs to, is losing ground to the attacks of an opposing guild, the Snake's Spire. Fermin, recognizing the Black Masks as the guild of the famous Daggermaster known as Darkblade, agrees to join the guild.

As he trains long weeks togheter with Darkblade, the group twarths many of the Snake's Spire plans, till they finally discover the hidehout of their leader, a fearsome Yuan-ti Incanter.

After a dangerous fight, they manage to defeat the scaly scoundrels, and Fermin claim the Serpent's Fangs, a magical dagger with poisonous properties.

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