Monday, March 30, 2009

Chapter 16 - Coronal Guard

Our heroes arrive in Celathon, the Eladrin Castle-city. They marvel at the amazing white towers, and are greeted by Lord Elvelion himself, leader of the City, and legendary Swordmage.

Elvelion thanks the party for returning his daughter Vyrellis, and accepts to train Druss with his Coronal Guards. He also tells them that war is brewing between the Six Floating Islands, as news have reached his ears that Emperor Cnaiur of Aduria has stolen a powerful artifact, at the same time braeking ancient vows of peace with the other islands.

Druss successfully completes his training as a Coronal Guard, and is tasked to free a lost Eladrin colony from Dark Elves invaders. Our heroes travel to the Darklands, to the besieged town of Shineglade, togheter with 50 Eladrin Soldiers.

They plan the attack on Shineglade, and as their tropps engage the orcish minions of the Dark Elves, our heroes face the evil elves themselves, in a warehouse now used as a church to the Spider Queen.

The party seems to have the upper hand, but Zakonik and Druss succumb to poison, and are rendered unconscious. Their strengths almost completely depleted, Fermin, Galen and Neri face the last Blademaster, a fearsome warrior wearing a magical armor made of displacer beast hide, making him very difficult to target.

Fermin realizes they're no match for him, and escapes with his life. Galen and Neri succumbs to the Blademaster and are slain. Last survivor of the occupying forces, the Blademaster decides to escape.

Zakonik and Druss awake, and reunite with Fermin and the surviving Eladrin. Shineglade has been freed, but two heroes and many warriors have paid with their life for this victory.

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