Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chapter 15 - One Night in Weeping Briar

On their way to the city, the party is forced to seek refuge due to a sudden and violent storm.

They reach the elven village of Weeping Briar, but it seems their troubles are not over. The village seems deserted, several houses are in disarray, and montrous bandits wander the streets.

The heroes take care of a group of invaders, and meet Solphi, a little elven girl, who explains to them that "monsters" have invaded town. Solphi explains that she was lured by voices in her mind to dig a hole in her father's mill, and from that hole demonic creatures have come out.

The party investigates the mill, occupied by more montrous humanoids and two fire demons. Highly flammable grain dust is all over the place, and one of the spells of the demon start a chain reaction that sets the mill on fire. The party takes care of the demons, and escape the mill on fire.

After the fire expires, they search for the hole, that gives access to an underground cavern, where a foul ritual is at hand. Rastiel the mezzodemon, togheter with an enslaved Bearded Devil, are sacrificing the townskolf of Weeping Briar to open a gate to another Plane.

After a dangerous fight, the heroes banish Rastiel, and save the villagers. Unfortunately, solphi's parents have been sacrificied. Neri, moved to pity, decides to take care of the orphaned child.

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