Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chapter 17 - Pact with the Devil

Neri awakes in the Spirit World, as the Heralds of her supernatural patrons argue over who has to claim her soul. With the help of Daedrie, the shifter shaman, Neri summons her companions to the Spirit World, and togheter they defeat her patrons, freeing Neri's soul, and granting her the powers of a Blood Mage. As she awakes from death, Daedrie joins the party.

Back in Celathon, Galen's funeral are held, with Vyrellis forever mourning the loss of the great general. Druss is knighted as a Coronal Guard, and tasked by Lord Elvelion with a dangerous mission. He will have to join the Devil Prince Tharod's army, to better understand the true motives of the Infernal lord.

As Tharod's army conquers several outposts and villages, the party meets old friends. One of the villages is defended by the Company of the Red Gautlet, or what's left of it. The heroes warn the General that Tharod's army is arriving, so that the villagers can evacuate to safety.

The General admires their honour, and suggests to the party to abandon Tharod, and look for the Red Priest, a legendary priestess of Athun that is fighting for freedom in the Darklands.

As the party returns to Tharod commanding skyship, they are attacked by angelic hordes, led by Tharod half-brother, the Deva Ghalan.

Our heroes manage to resist the attack, but Prince Ghalan escapes, and their skyship suffers severe damage. Prince Tharod sends everybody to rest, as his artificers assess the damage. Upon awaking, the party notices that the ship is quickly losing altitude, and has been already evacuated. On deck, the see Tharod on his Nightmare mount taking flight, just after setting the ship on fire, and bidding them farewell.

Neri and Druss do what they can to take control of the falling ship, and manage to reduce the damage. The ship crashes on the rolling fields of the Republic of Ilarosa. Though they are all injured by the fall, our heroes survive, and make camp for the day.

1 comment:

wesley said...

" my army" Tharod said, gesturing over the edge of the skyship.
A flash of lightning revealed the outlines of tents and a swarming mass of humanoids amidst the forest. Orcs, drow, goblins, the vermin of every corner of the darklands. She couldn't help but be impressed at the magnitude of it. A gasp behind her told Neri she wasn't alone in this.
The ship was descending rapidly, swerving around the camp as it went. Cheers and hoots went up from the ground as they saw their prince return, shouting the promise of more blood. A flash of brightest green drew her attention and she ran to the edge of the ship.
"No...Greenmoons? Here?" she whispered to herself. The cheers and howls drowned out into the background. Her mind was racing. It had been 7 years since she last saw that banner.
She absent-mindedly ran her hand along her bag. A familiar touch brought her out of her reverie.
"Neri? Are you ok?" It was Druss.
"Yeah...just...I thought I saw something."
"Something bad?"
"Erh....why do you ask?"
"Well, you burned a hole in the railing."

"Oi! Zurg no sleep here! Youz keep watch wid me or youze get beat!"
"Argh, nobody show. We's in warcamp. Why does Grognak..."
A shadow stirred in the corner of the orc's eye. He pointed his axe in the general direction.
"Oi, you dere. I sawz you. Show yourself!" He squinted his eyes to get a clearer view.
A half elf stepped out of the shadows or rather, the shadow followed her arround as she walked purposefully forward, blocking out the torches as she went.
"Ergh, Grognak know you be coming?"
No answer.
"Oi, you stop there." the orcs said as they brought their poison-green axes up.
A word. A violent flash of green. a split second later, the first orc dropped dead, glazy eyed and a searing mark still on his chest.

"Zurg?" the chief asked as he stepped out of his tent. Just for safety reasons, he decided to bring his axe. His eyes adjusted to the torches burning brightly closeby. Something told him this was trouble. A dead and burned orc didn't appease him at all. Thud.
A book lay open at his feet. Arcane scribbles headed a page.
'Property of Teak Fireleaf, Chief Arcane advisor of Spinerock' he read.
A stifled sob in front of him made him look up. A half-elf. She was crying.
It came out as little more than a whisper but made him grip his axe more tightly,
"You stole my life...I'm here to return the favor."