Monday, April 5, 2010

Chapter 59 - Abyssal Nadir (Prince of Undeath - Part 4)

The adventurers plunge to the bottom of the universe in the stolen chaos ship. En route, they encounter monstrosities that hunt the Abyssal depths.
Upon finally reaching the bleeding edge of raw creation, they find the final chaos ship - a gargantuan craft, rebuilt into something resembling a dwarven mining platform.
Inside this temporary shelter, the Heart of the Abyss beats, stuck into reality's side like a tick burrowing in flesh. And here Timesus labors, breaking shards from the Heart of the Abyss at Orcus's command. The adventurers stop Timesus here, and Waylander, trying to aquire a shard for himself, suffers a dire transormation into a demonic creature.
But a shard has already been liberated and given to Orcus. The Demon Prince of the Undead, armed with the shard, has marched on the Raven Queen's domain.

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